Wednesday 12 December 2012


                    Cheating has become the most popular things for students especially University students. Not only in written assignments, but also cheat in doing exams and also in some group work. It is not a difficult thing to cheat in study. But the importance things is that it can affect to our whole life, it can blow the candle of our thoughts and it can carry the dirty bush to your mind.

                   By cheating, you become used to cheat and you will never ever ever want to do by yourself. You will always think about the wrong things (to cheat) and thus your brain will not work by doing this way. Brain is like a knife. If it is using, it is still good but if we throw away it for a long time, it will become the worst condition by corrosion. So cheating can make our brain to be alike with the corroded iron.

                    Secondly, copying from internet website is also one of the cheating. If your mind think that you can cheat easily like the way and then your mind will never want to do the things that you don't have a chance to run. Thus, please be careful not to try your mind to be like that.

                  Moreover, having thoughts is the most important for the human life. To have a good thoughts and ideas, you have to thought and make ideas almost always. If you are the one who always cheating, how can you can get a good ideas in your daily life.

No cheating for your life, try best and hope for the best future.

Ei Ei Mu (17827)
Petroleum engineering


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