Sunday 9 December 2012

The best subject in my 1st semester :)

Before the beginning of the 1st semester I was told by many seniors that my 1st semester going to be one of my best experienced in U.T.P, and whenever they mention those lines they refer to Islamic studies as an evidence. 
            This subject is unique in many different aspects. However, the most recognizable characteristic of it is its objectivity. This subject was designed very well to meet the aims it was created for. For instance, the first object is getting students to get the basic understanding of Islam, and that’s exactly what I got, quite frankly now I have more than basic understanding of Islam.
One of the best stages of this subject is DTE project. I loved the idea and objective of this project, seeking finance and carrying out the project with the help of class members and the villagers. It brought us much closer together as a classmate, and demonstrated everyone abilities. I believe our class did a very good work that day and we won appreciation of the villagers.
            About the Islamic Speech Review Project, it really helps me a lot to know more about the Islamic scholars worldwide. And I also learn many new things that I never heard before from my friends’ video. And about ‘’Video Osem’’ project, I think that my teammate and I did an excellent work in making the video. We managed to split the work among us and every member gave the full cooperation in completing this awesome video and completed it as perfect as possible. This project is really fun and at the same time it strengthens the ukhuwah between us. I realized that each project in this subject has its own objectives. Alhamdulillah, I think I have understood every objective in this subject.
My last wording would be an attempt to express my deepest gratitude to my respected lecturer, Ustazah Mashitah Binti Sabdin. Thank you Ustazah J. Thank you very much for giving me the knowledge. You make this subject really fun and interesting. I have great pleasure in learning this subject.

# now, i am in the end of my second semester here :)
# no doubt, the best subject now is English 1 ^^
# lot of fun and happy moments with all of u
# <3 drama so much ~ 
# to my dear tutor, mr bala, kamsahamnidaa (thank you) ^^ 

By : Muhammad Farhan bin Mohd Yunus
        Foudation 2nd Chemical Engineering, UTP

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