Thursday 13 December 2012

Ronaldo, A Football Icon

Ever since I was a little kid, I remember how all my cousins and I would gather up to play football. How we try to imitate tricks other professional players perform on TV, and how the rest of the gang would sit and watch the show in utter amazement and complete excitement, how healthy rivalry is manifested and love for the game just keeps hoisting. Indeed, football brings joy to our hearts, and great players become icons.One of my personal favorite icons of the game is C. Ronaldo, due to his unmatched speed , dazzling skills and competitive nature.

Ronaldo is well-known for his wind blowing pace, which is exhilarating to observe, comparing him to renowned running athletes like Usain Bolt. His physique is exemplary; acknowledged to follow strict regiments, where he conditions his body on explosiveness, strength and cardiovascular training  allowing him to keep running the entire 90 mins. The training he carries out mainly focuses on endurance and finesse, this causes him to make sure he's giving a 200% throughout the game than any other player. 

Tricks is the X factor that makes any player become an icon, they reside in the observer's memory, not to mention they make the player seem invincible and untouched in the pitch. Ronaldo is recognized for doing just that, projecting a freestyle showcase on the field, infallibly swirling, twisting and gliding his way through defenders, leaving them overwhelmed by confusion and bewilderment. This added to his speed, an unstoppable combination of pure destruction and certain triumph.

Ronaldo's nature on the pitch definitely is one of a kind, his eagerness to out-better great players who foreshadow him and his keenness to deliver a killer blow to his opponents are clearly witnessed throughout his facial expressions. How he's agitated when he misses a shot, or how he's abjectly elated when he scores a goal. surely a vicious, unparalleled yet worthy striker. 

All in all, C. Ronaldo has, without a doubt, left his indelible fingerprints on the game. An astonishing striker, with lighting speed, intangible skills and grueling personality. A unique and incomparable talent whom I proudly take as an example of hard-work and blood-thirst for greatness.

Ali Ogail Abdelsalam,
Mechanical Engineering.

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