Saturday 15 December 2012

Examination Fever!

When exterminations open their doors, a breeze of worry and anxiety is dispersed in the air like a ripple of a water drop, so a good way to prepare for it is making sure that you are utilized with the right type of weaponry, and that the right kind of precaution is entitled.The following tips are your guidelines to attain a good mentality and making sure to deliver your full performance on the exams itself:

● Keep your mind work-oriented instead of result-oriented. Do you best work. Have faith that whatever result you get, is the best for you.
● Long hours of static studying affects the lower body and the blood circulation. Change your position and if possible, the location as well, every now and then.
● Staying awake at night to study is actually going against the law of nature. For human beings, it is best to study actively in the daytime and follow the ‘early-to-bed-and-early-to-rise’ routine.
● Have lemon juice twice or three times a day.
● After reading for some time, close your eyes and reflect for a few minutes in silence. It will help you relax and in retaining whatever has been learn.

● Do not panic at the last minute. At that time do slow pranayama (meditation); Breathing in from the nose and breathing out from the mouth and suspending the breath for four seconds will be great help.

                            Following these tips will help you release the stress, and ensures you have the right mind set to tackle the Exams, and eventually passing with flying colors. and remember "everyone is a genius, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree. it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid". Cheers everyone, and best of luck for exams =D.

Ali Ogail Abdelsalam,
Mechanical Engineering, 

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