Tuesday 11 December 2012

Why is Teaching Considered an Art?

        The art of teaching requires responding to the students and their environment, understanding their various learning styles, engaging a willingness to change course, and the balance of preparation with trial and error. Education has many formats and tools as guidelines for teaching. These rules have more exceptions than standards.        While teaching, asking effective questions so as to lead students to understanding and insight is an art, as is inspiring and encouraging students to enjoy learning. An excellent teacher adapts his lessons to include projects that support more than one kind of learner. Oral tests, multiple choice and group interaction can be combined to allow teachers the opportunity to give positive feedback to students of all types. Learning styles and performance challenge teachers to be creative artists. Every student likes to do well and the art of teaching requires engaging students with enthusiasm. Interactive communication skills are an art that is primary to teaching any subject. Whether the subject is physics, biology, Spanish or tennis, a great teacher has the ability to listen to his students' changing needs. Interactive communication between teacher and students make the material accessible to the learner.
        Teaching is wonderfully human, and for lack of a better word, pure. It is important to preserve this noble profession, with good paying jobs, treatment of teachers -- at all grade levels -- as the professionals they are, and ensuring there is a system of rewards that recognizes the great teacher, encourages the good to become great, and removes the bad teacher from the classroom they do not deserve. 

Hope you enjoyed 
ID : 18588

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