Wednesday 12 December 2012

Pros and Cons of Chatting

                     In the 21st century of the world, Internet is one of the most famous things in most of the people's lives. Chatting is included as one part of the Internet. Most people use chatting as a leisure things. They speak and share ideas through chatting. 

Chatting (The keys to solve distance problem)

For those who live far away with their family , chatting is the best and most comfortable way to connect with each other. Chatting makes them happy by seeing each others and hearing voice although they are not together. 

Chatting (Communication Center)

Before the invention of Internet, it is so difficult to communicate with the people who lives only a little miles far away. After the appearing of chatting, even people from north pole and south pole can also well communicate through chatting. Business Improvement are growing more and more by day by day.

Chatting (Love place)

Although chatting has pros, it also has corns. Especially for teenagers, chatting is a place where they can play with love. It would be a good thing if they don't take chatting like this and don't do so.Because of that, most of the people might think wrongly and it can disappear in the future. 

Ei EI Mu (17827)
Petroleum Engineering

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