Monday 10 December 2012

What is Anime? by apiez-kun

Hello again,

So I'm quite sure a number of you already familiar with this 'ANIME' terms.Now, for those who still new in it, i will write something about anime to help you to know what is actually the anime world.

What is Anime?You see it everywhere nowadays. Pictures of large-eyed cartoon characters all over one corner of the video store. A rack full of t-shirts with foreign sounding names written on them. They call it "Anime". But what is it all about?

The word anime has come to mean cartoons made in Japan, but its origins are a little more complex. The Japanese love to borrow words from English, German, and many other foreign languages, the same way we borrow words from Arab and so on. When film animation techniques were first introduced in Japan, they were called simply "animation", later shortened to "anime". The word covered (and still covers) the entire gamut of animated works, including those made in other countries.

What Makes an Anime Different?

There are several factors which identify an anime and set it apart from your everyday cartoon. Here are a few of them.

Art Style
Some consider the birth of anime to be the birth of its style, specifically the way characters are drawn. Emphasis is placed on the head and facial features, especially the eyes, in an attempt to be more expressive. These super-emotive faces make it easier for viewers to understand and connect with the characters.

Rather than using the animation style to appeal to children with its vivid colors, Japanese animators originally used the medium to convey stories which could not be told in live action films, due to expensive sets, costumes, special effects, etc. For this reason, anime storylines are best compared to a movie story line. Though created in episodes, most anime are meant to be watched sequentially, and the viewer often can become lost by the story after missing just one episode - much like stepping out of the theater for a trip to the concession stand.

Though music is often made specifically for anime opening and ending credits, it is very common for popular artists to use an anime to showcase their work. This results in a much greater demand for the soundtracks and insert songs in each anime.

Anime Genres

Wait, there's more than one?Yes, more than oneIn general, anime covers the same genres that we might expect to find at a movie theater. Science fiction, action/adventure, mystery, comedy, drama, fantasy, romance, horror...the list goes on. However, it also includes a handful of new genres, most of them capitalizing on the success of a single ground-breaking predecessor.

Benefit or not?

It's depends on you on how you cope with it. Many says that watching anime is addicting, but it is actually can be controlled. Plus, anime also have their own moral values. It also help to widen and enhance your imagination, and also can feel different world and feel different enotion if you really into it.

Some of popular anime series:

Fate Stay Night

Gundam SEED Destiny

So, that's all for now
Thank you and have a nice day! :)

Muhammad Hafiz Bin Md Suhor
Chemical Engineering

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