Thursday 13 December 2012


Many people claims that learning any languages ask people to be totally immersed with that languages. Same goes with English. So, here some suggestions based on my method of learning English taught by my mother.
  • Find some English radio station
Try to hear all songs, or any breaking news even hot gossips in English language.Later on, it helps us to enrich our vocabulary, only by using our ears. It is easier compare to get obsessed with dictionary or others heavy reading materials
  • Talk and sing to ourselves in English
Even though, it looks strange for us to talk or sing to ourselves, try to think about this.If the routine is practiced frequently, it helps to improve our pronunciation and fluency when we speak using English.
  • Try to get involve with any conservations on Facebook with friends who know better in English
Besides do a lot of essays to improve our writing skills, we also can use Facebook or other social websites. Just by giving a respond to any post by using English and do it frequently, it helps us strengthen our writing ability. Moreover, if you're doing any mistakes in your post or comment, your friends can be your teacher to correct all your mistakes. So, let's imagine, you have 1000 friends or followers, that means you actually have 1000 teachers.
Lastly, maybe the above suggestions are opposing other people opinions, because it just based on my experiences and those methods totally give me a great help throughout my learning process

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