Monday 3 December 2012

Heart of Darkness

Hey there readers!

So, you might have thought of what the Heart of Darkness is all about. Fear not, for I shall feed your curiosity to some extend that you would not need to hear about it anymore. (Well, sort of)

So anyway this story is about  Marlow, an introspective captain who journey to Congo River (in Africa if I'm not mistaken) to meet up with a man named Kurtz.

Marlow took a job as a captain for a trades company. During his time there, he noticed that the locals (sometimes referred as Pilgrims) were treated badly and all the White man were all high and fancy. When Marlow meet the General Manager at the central station, his interest in finding Kurtz grew as the General Manager mentioned Kurtz reputation. He also heard rumors of Kurtz being a trouble but he let it heard by deaf ear.

And so Marlow traveled to the Inner Station with the guide of the helmsman, the manager and few villagers ( believed to be the cannibals, also a tour guide). As they traveled along the river, they were attacked by a group of savages in the fog. Despite that fighting, the helmsman (the tour guide) was speared to death. Knowing that the cannibal would eat the helmsman, Marlow threw the helmsman body and said that IT WAS A PROPER BURIAL.<I will discuss this section later>

Later on, Marlow arrived at the Inner Station and was greeted by a Russian man. The Russian explained that Kurtz had turned sick both physically and mentally, and convinced Marlow that Kurtz had turned into a savages. Suddenly, the manager with some pilgrims found Kurtz who barely can stand on his own. Marlow convinced Kurtz to return to England but he stubbornly refused saying the people(the villagers) needed him. At night, Marlow who was awaken from his slumber founded a track of human crawling and knew that it was Kurtz. He immediately tracked down Kurtz and threatened Kurtz to return home. And the day after, Kurtz and Marlow set off to England. On their way there, Kurtz who was barely able to breath ask Marlow for company. But then, Kurtz yelled "The Horror! The Horror!" and eventually drew his last breath. <I will discuss this section later>

A year after, Kurtz's fiancee ask Marlow about Kurtz. Marlow lied about how Kurtz died and said that Kurtz mentioned her name before he died. <I will discuss this section later>


#I know it's a bit long for you to read, but this is the shortest summary possible that I can make.
#You could also watch the movie entitled The Heart Of Darkness (1994), if you don't mid watching for 2 hours that is. ☺☺☺


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